Lots of changes in the new house. Lynx brought home a new Turtle. The Moose named it Turtle. Its tiny. The Moose likes to carry it around the house in his mouth.

It can't talk much. Mostly just makes clicking noises. The Moose and Cappy seem to understand him though. Lynx has taught it to catch snow hairs so it keeps trying to bite Bear in his jugular. But its tiny so it doesn't hurt. Lynx brings it jellyfish from the market. It loves to eat the jellyfish. It gets a bit confused when it trys to find the jellyfish's jugular cause jellyfish don't really have bits like that.
Lynx found Turtle in a fountain in front of a nice apartment building. The humans had taken all the other turtles indoors for the winter but they had forgotten Turtle. He was cold and clicking sadly. Lynx felt bad and thought Cappy and The Moose needed something to amuse themselves with while Bear was sleeping so Lynx brought Turtle home.
Cappy loves to swim in the big white bowl with the turtle. And The Moose and Cappy like to flip turtle on his shell and spin and slide him along the floor and chase him. That game normally ends when Turtle throws up.
After Bear met Turtle and got him to let go of his neck, Bear got into the beers. Then Bear dressed The Moose up like a dog and took The Moose for a walk to the park the humans made and The Moose ate trees and Bear ate moths from under the rocks. Then Bear went back to the house and Bear and Lynx went up to the roof and smoked a left hander and Bear got into the beers again and Lynx had a couple martinies. Lynx has become such a classy drinker.
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